Blackpink Pubg Aeroplane Skin
Airplane and airdrop with the blackpink skin.
Blackpink pubg aeroplane skin. As for the airdrop it will feature colour themes and the album icon while releasing pink smoke on the battlefield. From 2 october until 8 october both pubg mobile players and blinks blackpink fans will spot an airdrop plane painted in pink and see the blackpink logo on it. Exclusive airdrop with themed color and the album icon releases pink smoke as it appears in the popular battlefields starting from oct 2. Blackpink upcoming event explained in pubg mobile get blackpink airplane skin airdrop pubg era yt pubgmobilecollabwithblackpink pubgmobile blackpi.
Blackpink member jennie lisa jisoo and rosé have set up their own personal game account in pubg mobile. Exclusive gift to blackpink. Blackpink pubg mobile new event all information plane skin and permanent rewards skull candy yt blackpink collaboration with pubg blackpink pubg blackpi. Blackpink x pubg mobile event.
A well known youtuber stango claimed in one of his videos that players could unlock the airplane finish.