League Of Legends Champions Names

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League of legends champions names. Aatrox ahri akali alistar amumu anivia annie aphelios ashe aurelion sol azir bard blitzcrank brand braum caitlyn camille cassiopeia cho gath corki darius diana dr. Ao shin the storm dragon. Mundo draven ekko elise evelynn ezreal fiddlesticks fiora fizz galio gangplank garen gnar gragas graves hecarim heimerdinger illaoi irelia ivern janna jarvan iv jax jayce jhin jinx kai sa kalista karma karthus kassadin katarina kayle kayn kennen kha zix kindred kled kog maw leblanc lee sin leona lillia lissandra lucian lulu lux. Gavid the plant king.
Genr8 you might also like. Ivan the mad bomber. List of scrapped champions. There are 151 champions in lol and it s been 4 day s since the last new champion was released.
The number of names that end up on that list depends on the champion and who the writer is but it s usually around 100 200. Select your favorite champion and generate a random nickname relating to the personality of that champion.