Pubg Ban Funny Pubg Memes Hindi
Apart from pubg the list of apps banned by the government also includes game of sultans applock camocr and vpn for tiktok.
Pubg ban funny pubg memes hindi. Pubg reportedly has around 33 million users in india. While some users shared funny bollywood memes others shared memes of parents praying to god as pubg got banned and that it has come as a relief to the parents. Unless you ve been living under a rock you know pubg or playerunkown s battlegrounds is the hottest smartphone game in india right now. Hope you like this video if you like my content then support me by subscribing my yout.
Indian memes indian memes compilation pubgbanmemes pubgban memes. Pubg ban in india memes social media twitter funny reactions 4129844 पबज प रत ब ध क खबर स शल म ड य प ल टफ र म पर. Amid this scenario pubg fans shared memes on social media target tiktok lovers e sports fans were in for a scare as the indian government decided to ban 59 chinese apps citing privacy issues with many wondering if the famous battle royale game pubg mobile developed by chinese firm tencent holdings would also come in the line of fire. Press ctrl c to copy.
14 best pubg funny memes in hindi even if you re not playing it someone you know certainly is. Hello guys welcome back this videos contains pubg ban funny memes. And because of that the desi pubg memes are alive and well too. Pubg memes compilation in hindi about pubg ban in india pubg memes funny 2021 ka pubg 2021kapubg pubgmobile pubginhindi pubg memes pubg memes pakista.
Netizens churn out hilarious memes on pubg ban in a fresh move against chinese mobile phone applications the government of india has banned 118 more mobile apps. Hello guys this video is only made for entertainment purpose 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭. The popular game pubg is also on the list. Why nothing ever gets done.
The government also banned baidu baidu express edition tencent watchlist faceu wechat reading and tencent weiyun besides pubg mobile and pubg mobile lite.