Pubg Ban Memes English
The pubg game which has more than 600 million downloads and 50 million active players globally has millions of users especially the young in india.
Pubg ban memes english. On social media netizens are busy churning out hilarious memes about pubg ban. Following the announcement of the ban netizens have taken to social media to express their opinion. India s move to ban pubg mobile and 117 other chinese apps came after the fresh chinese aggression in indian territory at pangong tso in eastern ladakh. The popular game pubg is also on.
Gamers are making memes to deal with worst nightmare almost a month ago gamers in india rejoiced after they learned that their favourite mobile game playerunknown s battlegrounds aka pubg has had. Popular gaming app pubg mobile and 117 other applications have been banned by the information and technology ministry on wednesday. Ye pubg wala hai kya. The second ban includes the gaming app pubg player unknown s battleground a highly popular battle royale game among the indian youth.
The government also banned baidu baidu express edition tencent watchlist faceu wechat reading and tencent weiyun besides pubg mobile and pubg mobile lite. With over 50 million downloads and. Pubg mobile is an immensely popular mobile battle royale game that has redefined the genre in its own way. Twitter turns into meme battleground after govt bans 118 mobile apps.
After which tiktok users were the butt of many memes. Check hilarious tweets the pubg ban has come after the fresh chinese incursion attempts in indian territory at pangong tso in eastern ladakh. The game s fans took to social media to express their feelings with rib tickling memes. Pubg an online multiplayer game enjoyed massive popularity among indians.
Twitter community reacts with memes. Netizens churn out hilarious memes on pubg ban in a fresh move against chinese mobile phone applications the government of india has banned 118 more mobile apps. Government banned 118 apps including popular mobile game pubg. Post the announcement on its ban twitter is flooded with rib tickling memes.
The pubg mobile ban gave tiktok users a moment to rub salt on their wounds. Ministry of information technology on.