Pubg Blackpink Characters
Blackpink fans would be overjoyed to know that the lisa based character is not the only pubg mobile teaser the developers shared this week.
Pubg blackpink characters. Support blackpink to win blackpink s latest album with their signature on it. Jisoo s character id is 51009780171 while her in game username is jisoopubgm. Here are the names of the group members in the game and their appearance. The blackpink character ids are.
Pubg mobile who shares the views of the group members in the game has previously featured the song playing with fire by the same group in the game. With the reveal of their. Pubg x blackpink new character lisa pubg mobile blackpink pubg new event and leaks pubg mobile leaks join my discord server to chat with me. Rosé s character id is 51009801702 while her in game username is rosépubgm.
Blackpink and video games it s known among avid fans of the k pop group that the ladies are huge on playing games especially the oldest member jisoo. It consists of jisoo jennie rosé and lisa and the game features these names and characters. New color is on the way the caption reads. Ager yr koi galti hue ho to maaf ker dena plzz new youtuber hu queries blackpink leaks pubg with blackpink pubg black pink pubg new outfits new outfits of.
They released a second promo image a few years later of four female characters in a vehicle driving into erangel. More permanent outfits and benefits await. Fans are now speculating and hoping that blackpink members jisoo jennie rosé and lisa might appear as characters in the popular video game. Pubg mobile reveals blackpink members character ids jennie kim.