Pubg Guns Drawing Akm
Akm history the akm is a 7 62mm assault rifle designed by mikhail kalashnikov.
Pubg guns drawing akm. Please like comment share and subscribe. Roshiz draw 27 143 views. Akm vs m416 which pubg gun is best. A popular conundrum among pubg mobile players is the choice of weapon between the m416 and the akm.
Hence the name kalashnikov modernized automatic rifle it s a modernized variation of the ak 47 and it was brought into administration with the soviet army in 1959 in player unknown s battlegrounds the akm is for comrades in arms. If you like this video please like comment and subscribe my channel. How to draw akm gun from pubg duration. Learn how to draw akm gun from pubg follow along with our easy step by step drawing lessons.
How to draw a awm snyper gun with watercolors published by hasibur the mastermind. Visit to my channel.