Pubg Mobile Lite Map
We all know the royale pass of pubg mobile that launches with every new season and brings new and exciting outfits emotes skins and other season specific stuff.
Pubg mobile lite map. In pubg mobile lite instead of the royale pass there is the winner pass with same features as the classic royale pass. Here are some new options on this pubg mobile lite for you to explore. Bullets would now fly straight instead of dropping after a certain distance. Pubg mobile lite has launched the most recent update 19 0 with plenty of latest options.
Hey guy s today in this video i will show you pubg mobile lite secret high loot location in golden woods map. This video is all about pubg mobile lite new update sanhok map. Pubg mobile lite maps a total of 60 players are dropped on 2x2 maps and they have to search for weapons vehicles first aid supplies etc. Every winner pass rank will unlock something new and exciting.
The developers have dropped a lot of features when porting pubg mobile into its lite version and bullet drop is one of them. This is best and safe loot location in golden w. Pubg mobile lite winner pass. Especially the developers created some changes within the varenga map to bring players additional experiences.
The primary objective is to hunt down enemies and the last. Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations. Players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a massive 8x8 km island to be the lone survivor. Pubg mobile is the free battle royale shooter that pits 100 players against each other in a struggle for survival.
An rpg is part of the normal gameplay in varenga abuse the lack of bullet drops to get headshots. Hey guys in this video i will show you the pubg mobile lite new sanhok map gameplay of 0 14 0. Playerunknown s battlegrounds is a last man standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Pubg mobile lite varenga map.
Unofficial playerunknown s battlegrounds interactive maps.