Pubg Season 15 Tier Rewards
This season s tier rewards theme is gold with the first reward for gold tier being a special golden outfit.
Pubg season 15 tier rewards. The mask that was shown with the outfit of the gold tier will be available in the platinum tier. In season 15 players can get 3 new fully upgradable weapons through crate opening. 3 new weapon skins. You would need to reach platinum to complete the outfit as its mask is unlocked separately.
The game is broken down into 3 different categories of gameplay the free to play user the ranked classic users and the royale pass owners. All skins and rewards in pubg mobile season 15. The diamond tier would give you a golden themed sks to go with your gear and finally the ace tier would give you the season 15 parachute. In order to unlock all of these rewards the player will need to admirably perform in combat.
Pubg mobile season 15 tier rewards gold tier. You can check the crate opening trick to increase your chances of getting rewards. Here s what everyone gets for this season. The rewards start from the gold tier to conqueror.
Pubg mobile season 15 is really where it s pubg mobile season 15 free rewards all ranked royale pass forget season 12 or whatever renowned that the pubg mobile 2nd anniversary. Every season has its own unique rewards for different tiers you might have seen all the rewards in season 14. Let s see what the royale pass season 15 features. Conqueror reward season 15 pubg mobile.
Pubg mobile royale pass season 15 rewards leaks tier rewards in royale pass season 15.